
    Author(s) : Sandeep Kumar
    KeyWords : Teaching- Learning- Process, Authority of Learners, Teachers Authority, Socio-Cultural Context.
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    This is a small study done by the author in a school to understand the space provided to the learner by the teachers in teaching learning processes. Though I also strongly believe that when I am saying above line space provided to learner by teacher itself carry a super impose authority of teacher on learners, where we have accepted the unquestioned authority of teachers. This article will try to elaborate how much and what kind of space is available for learners in class room teaching learning processes like, is the teacher plays an authoritative role in class or not? Is there any contradiction the way learner and teacher perceive the classroom processes? How much a child comfortable in the class to say his or her views? Etc. So the basic objective of the work is to explore the space and say of a learner in his or her own learning processes and how this processes is being influence by the teachers’ authority. To achieve this objective data has been collected by observation of twenty classes of social science in a school. Paper starts with a theoretical framework, which talks about the importance of authority of learners in teaching learning processes, which also include the rationale along with the objective of the work done. Then after collected data has been analyzed on the themes emerged from the collected data itself. After analysis some suggestions has been given to teachers to appreciate the learners’ authority in the class

    Author(s) : Rajeev Rattan Sharma
    KeyWords : Information Technology, Knowledge Economy and Society, Social Media and Net Working, Teacher Education.
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    The place and the space of the Classrooms right throughout the world are changing with the massive use of Information technology tools and devices ion our day to day thus proliferating the use of it in the classrooms .In the Indian settings although because of many handicaps of the socioeconomic domains are not that forthcoming to change and to be as per the new western society, yet the beginning is made. In all this scene a demand is emerging is the technology or the teachers are to be in the classrooms of the 21st century and the development of the Social networking is playing a major role in the development of this trend. A time is now not only ripe for the class rooms to be changed but also for the both social actors –teachers as well as the Students are to be reciprocative to this trend happening because of the social media .This paper deals how the development of the social media and the social networking are to be instrumental in the knowledge society being shaped in the classrooms

    Author(s) : Avineni Kishore, O. Seshaiah
    KeyWords : E-books, Digital Preservation, Dissemination, Distance Learners
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    If ever a promising technology existed for education- and distance learning in particular- It would be e-books. Compared to the print documents, the use of e-books leaped high in the recent times. Academic and scholarly libraries are at the fore front of these changes and many are preparing for a significant shift from physical to electronic material presentation within a short period. This paper will examine why e-books should matter to the distance learners, and it also tries to debunk some myths about the e-books in the process. In addressing these issues, the paper tries to provide an assessment of e-book technology in view of its potential as well as its current limitations while also calling attention to future developments that holds genuine promise for learners.

    Author(s) : Syed Zahoor Ahmad Geelani
    KeyWords : E-books, Digital Preservation, Dissemination, Distance Learners
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    Social and political disturbances have changed in complexity and nature in the recent past and have magnifying human challenges especially for children. Every aspect of human life has suffered and the overall progress of the States has got a pause, the same is true of our state Jammu and Kashmir. Though some fields like economy and tourism have made some progress in the post militancy years but same cannot be said for education in the state. There was a time when people from all over the world flock to Jammu and Kashmir to seek knowledge and enrich themselves from the spiritual guidance of philosophers and world renowned thinkers of Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir had once been the centre of learning for the Persian and Sanskrit languages during the start of the Indo-Aryan civilization. The state of Jammu and Kashmir had been in socio-cultural unrest due to political disturbance not only during pre-independence but even during the sixty five years of independence. The political unrest in the state has led to armed conflict which had been at the top during the Militancy period in the State. The education sector has experienced the worst damage that is why the literacy rate of the state is still 68.74% which is second lowest in the country and marginally less than the national literacy rate, which stands at 74.04%. The wastage and stagnation at primary, elementary and secondary levels does not show any remarkable change during last two decades despite implementation of SSA and other centrally sponsored educational schemes in the state. In this paper, I will try to find out the immediate effect on various aspects of Education viz, Educational infrastructure, enrollment, achievement, quality, Literacy, human resource and education for all due to the present turmoil in the State. We must always remember that It is education which can help us to change the mindset of the people and can make us to realize the dream of peace and prosperity. We must understand that education is a crucial tool for mitigating the effects of conflict on children and means of rebuilding their lives shattered by the conflict and advocate for compassion; commitment and tenacity need to make education for children affected by armed conflict a priority.

    Author(s) : Geetika Singh
    KeyWords : Rural Women, Women Empowerment, ODL Technologies, Jammu and Kashmir
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    Learning is a lifetime process, beginning with the universal experience of socialization within the family, “from the cradle to the tomb”. The importance of women’s education was first realized in the 18th century. More than 40 years ago, the Universal declaration of Human Rights asserted that “everyone has a right to education. In 2001 in Dakar, participants in the World Education participants in the World Education Forum committed themselves to “achieving a 50 percent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults.”. Now much later, UNESCO has underlined the importance of access by girls and women to technical and vocational education for economic and social development, and they organised a conference on this issue in 1962. In particular, some Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were set at the Millennium Summit of world heads of state in New York in 2000 that included MDG-3 to ‘Promote gender equality and empower women - Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015 .This paper aims at explaining the scope of using ODL technologies for women empowerment in the rural areas through enhancing literacy, business skill and social awareness. The paper also identifies possible barriers in using ODL tools to enhance women literacy and business skill in relation to the complex and multidimensional concept of empowerment of rural women, specifically with respect to the state of J&K.

    Author(s) : Khushvinder Kumar, Jaspal Singh
    KeyWords : Burnout, Distance Mode, Face to Face, Organizational Climate, College Teachers
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    The Study intends to find out the relationship between burnout and organizational climate in education sector. The sample of the study consists of 200 teachers of colleges and universities of North India. The scale developed by Maslach and Jackson (1986) to measure burnout Maslach Burnout Inventory and organizational climate (OCS) developed by Pethe, Chaudhari and Dhar (2001 )was used to collect data. The results of the study showed non significant negative relationship between organizational climate and the two dimensions of burnout i.e. emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of teachers where as positive but non significant relationship exists between organizational climate and personal accomplishment (third dimension of burnout).

    Author(s) : Gyanendra kumar Rout
    KeyWords : Paradigm Shift, Distance Learning, Educational Technology
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    This paper examines the affordances and potential of emerging technologies to support and enhance each generation to see that the ubiquitous capacity of the Internet is creating very profound opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency pedagogical models. The new generations of technology enhanced teaching are cognitive/behaviourist, social constructivst and connectvist. It also further looks at recent developments in emerging educational technology and discusses the ways in which these tools can be used and optimized to enhance the different types of learning that are the focus of distance education theory and practice

    Author(s) : Syed Noor-Ul-Amin
    KeyWords : Information and Communication Technology, Educational Inequalities, Digital Bridge
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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have long been seen as important potential tools to enable educational reform processes improving both access to education, and the quality of that education. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been touted as playing a major role in bridging the educational inequalities, with the potential of overcoming obstacles like geographical barriers, teaching learning difficulties, individual differences, problems of people with disability, communication difficulties and information inaccessibility. Motivated by this potential of ICT to bring about transformational changes in education and in response to the information needs of the modern information times. ICT improving the overall standard of education by reducing the gap in education. ICTs can be important drivers for educational reform, utilized as a lever for bridging the divides, as a vehicle to introduce new practices and/or as an enabler of restructuring of the educational system. The increased diffusion of ICTs will offer potentially relevant ‘solutions’ to challenges not only at the core of the teaching and learning process itself, but also its application can accelerates and improves education system on a number of fronts. This paper looks at the contribution that ICT can make in different educational arrangement to bridge the gapes and provides opportunities

    Author(s) : SumanKumari
    KeyWords : Open and Distance Learning, ICT, Non-formal, Face to Face, Higher Education
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    Indian context. The increasing use of technology in distance education has brought about significant socio-economic and cultural changes in India. Learning can be improved through Information Technology. There are two imperative needs in India, so far as the use of Information Technology by the distance education institutions is concerned. Firstly, the technology should be made use of to take the educational programmers to the rural masses. Secondly, sound infrastructure facilities should be developed to provide qualitative teaching to the learner, through the media of information technology. As such, the paper aims to explore fundamental aspects of popularly designated alternative paths to the traditional mode of learning. This paper explores the major terms inherent in open and distance education, its potentials, possible factors that may inhibit successful implementation of the programme, and the use of low and high technological tools for its implementation. The paper also deals with the significance of Modern Technologies in development of open Learning System using Distance Education Concept. While the paper is not intended to impose any particular policy or model, it is hoped that it will assist policy makers, in defining appropriate policies and strategies helping them make the best use of available distance learning technologies corresponding to different cultural contexts and stages of development. This paper is also a contribution to the collective efforts aimed at achieving the EFA goals, adopted at the World Education Forum (Dakar, Senegal, April 2000) by ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes and through harnessing new information and communication technologies to help attain those goals

    Author(s) : Iqbal Ahmad Hakeem , Aabid Muzzamil Lone
    KeyWords : Telecommunication Sector, Consumer Complaining Behaviour, Service Perspective
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    We are living in a highly competitive world with the ever shrinking barriers across the world economies. The telecommunication sector has witnessed a boom in the developing countries and the customer base is bulging with every passing day. New entrants are giving a tough time to the market leaders with lucrative offers and noose diving call rates. However a growing concern among the consumers is the substandard service provided by some companies. This opens up the opportunities for the companies to gain competitive advantage by providing superior service to the customers as price wars among various service providers have already set in. From an academic view point it assumes importance to study the complaining behaviour of consumers over the period of past decade after their exposure to the world of cellular services. This study analyses the triggers of consumer complaining behaviour among the cellular consumers of the Kashmir valley.

    Author(s) : Mushtaq Ahmad Dar , Showkat Rashid Wani
    KeyWords :
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    Author(s) : Farzana Gulzar , Shazia Manzoor
    KeyWords : Heaven on Earth; Impediments to Growth, Horticulture, Strategic Model
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    The State of J&K is probably known as the “Heaven on Earth” with many potential opportunities which can contribute to Gross Domestic Product. However, the trend of development in the State of J&K has not been so encouraging. There are various impediments to the growth, low productivity in agriculture and allied sector being the one. As the agro-climatic conditions are ideal for production, horticulture forms the core of agriculture economy of the State of J&K. About, five lakh families were involved in growing of fruits in the State. Horticulture contributes about INR400 crore of the states Domestic Product and about 20 per cent of the total cultivated area is under horticulture crops. However, the development of horticulture in the State continues to be characterized by lower productivity despite implementation of various schemes involving an expenditure of Rs.28.26 crore during 2001-02 to 2004-05.However, various initiatives have been undertaken to revive the horticulture sector in the State. Still, there are numerous issues yet to be addressed. Thirty per cent of the total fruits produced get wasted due to poor processing and marketing facilities. The present study is an endeavor to give a strategic model for enhancing horticulture sector in the State of J&K

    Author(s) : Khursheed Ahmad Qazi
    KeyWords : Communication, Backbone, Economic Growth, Outsource, Opportunities
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    One might wonder what the title of this paper implies. What does one mean when one says what began as crude, now rocks the world? Most of us know English today as a universal global language but reality is something else. It began some 1500 years ago as a crude language originally spoken by obscure Germanic tribes who invaded England. David Crystal says that there has never been a language so widely spread or spoken by so many people as English. This is the youngest language in the use today. The man who did most to give it shape was none other than Geoffrey Chaucer who lived only 600 years ago. In the present form, it is even less than six centuries old, for modern English was not established until the 16th century, the Elizabethan Age. No doubt, English is an amalgamation of many older languages such as Latin, Greek, German, Spanish, French, and many others. The alliance of these varied tongues has created a language that is currently perhaps simpler, richer, more effective, more flexible and versatile than any of those from which it has been derived. Today, it has made its place in all spheres of life – home, office, business or market place. In fact, English Language has now become the commonest language of communication and economy. Research reveals that perhaps it is the only language which is currently so strongly affiliated with commercial, economic and industrial interests. This paper discusses how English language has emerged as language of opportunities and greater prospects in the contemporary world of information technology

    Author(s) : Manirani Dasgupta
    KeyWords : Education, Philosophy, Value Education, Teacher
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    The documents, records as well as information or data should be retained for a specific period to be accessible and usable for a subsequent reference. The retention of electronic records must be in original form as generated, sent or received indicating the identification of origin, destination, date and time of dispatch or receipt of such records except such e-records as are automatically generated solely to enable to be dispatched or received as e-record, for example, format of e-mail must be received or dispatched in the form of e-record or information which are solely generated for this purpose and therefore question of retention in original format of the same is not disputable. The e-record will be treated as original format as generated, sent or received when it will indicate details of its creation, sending and receipt. Creation in this context is not necessarily typing by the user rather on behalf of user any one can type or create the document. Digital Signature is the use of electronic and statutory method to authenticate electronic record by anyone who subscribes it through digital signature certificate issued by appropriate authority appointed for this purpose by the Central Government. It is very difficult to define the term digital signature in precise form. Article 2 (a) of the United Nations Model Law on Electronic Commerce, 85th plenary meeting on digital signature, 12th Dec’ 2001, defines the term ‘Electronic Signature’. In India, according to section 2(p) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 ‘Digital Signature’ means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of the Act. Section 2 sub-sections (ta) and (tb) were inserted by the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2009 which defines ‘Electronic Signature’ and ‘Electronic Signature Certificate’ respectively to authenticate electronic record in electronic technique not to supplant but to supplement the Digital Signature and the Digital Signature Certificate. Authentication of electronic records and electronic signature must be following procedure prescribed under sections 3 and section 3A of the Information Technology Act, 2000 in India. The procedure is called affixing electronic signature or digital signature. That is adoption of specific method or procedure by means of electronic signature for its authentication. Any person can affix digital signature or electronic signature on his electronic record. Authentication shall be effected by use of asymmetric crypto system and hash function which envelop and transform initial electronic record into another electronic record which are reliable and according to second schedule. This function has to be completed by Key pair. In key pair there are private key and public key. Keys are unique to the subscriber and constitute a functioning Key Pair. If corporate sectors, government and individuals use their own digital or electronic signatures on maintaining level of confidentiality and privacy then it will be definitely helpful to prevent and control unauthorized access to data and related acts and can hope for authenticity, integrity and non-concealment of e-data which are transferred.

    Author(s) : Aadil Ahmad Lawaye , Bipul Syam Purkayastha
    KeyWords : Kashmiri Language, English, Script, Challenges.
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    The aim of this research paper is to present the complete design and implementation of a Kashmir Spell Checker. Although all major word processors offer spell checking for English and in various European languages including many Indian languages like Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Tamil and Kannada, but no work has been done for Kashmiri language.

    Author(s) : Neha Dixit, Aadil A. Lawaye, Swapana Mallik
    KeyWords : Diffusion, Transmission, Lexical Diffusion, Technology Diffusion, Innovation
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    Diffusion is typically characterized by adult-adult contact that leads to borrowing and has minimal impact on linguistic structure. All linguistic variation is the result of either diffusion or independent innovation that we may operationalize social contact as geographical distance. It is clear that the assumptions are imperfect, but they allow us to examine diffusion via the distribution of linguistic variation as a function of geographical distance

    Author(s) : Gulshan Wani
    KeyWords :
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    The study was carried out to investigate the study habits and self-concept of higher secondary school students in relation to some influencing factors. The sample of 500 higher secondary school students was selected through simple random sampling from different higher secondary schools of district Srinagar. Dr. Gopal Rao’s Study Habit Inventory and Muktha Rani Rastogi’s Self-Concept Scale was used to collect the study habits and self - concept of higher secondary school students. The results of the study showed a significant difference in study habits of higher secondary school students on the basis of gender. Significant difference was also found in study habits self-concept of higher secondary school students on the basis of type of school but no such significant difference was found in self-concept of higher secondary school students on the basis of gender

    Author(s) : Shahida Parveen , Muhammad Iqbal Mattoo
    KeyWords : Globalization, Teacher Education, Teacher
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    Education plays a vital role to overcome many challenges and to maintain peace in the globe. Global challenges that influence all areas of human life in the world are conditions that are naturally going on as the consequence of the rapid development of science and technology. It is impossible to avoid but have to be faced by using resources with high quality especially human resources. Teacher’s quality is the keyword for insuring the quality of education. Qualified competent teachers will not be able to carry out their task professionally without the conditions that support their tasks. The present paper discusses the challenges of teacher education in the age of globalization. It also provides an overview of globalization and teacher education and changing context of teacher education in the global scenario

    KeyWords : Work-Life Balance, Stress, Role Conflict, Social Support
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    The paper analyzes the work-life balance issues faced by women workers. The study aimed at contributing towards filling a gap in the work-life balance literature and attempts to explore the work-life balance challenges faced by women workers and also studies how successful women are in balancing their work and personal life. The sample of 50 women employees from different sectors were chosen for the purpose of the research. The simple random sampling technique was used and women from each sector, i.e., industrial sector, education sector, banking sector and hospital sector were chosen. The sample constituted both married and unmarried women in order to make the sample healthy and to avoid similar kind of responses. The working women between age group 23-53 were chosen. The present study being exploratory in nature was mainly based on interviews and open ended questions; however, in order to make the study more objective close ended questions were also used. The obtained data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Carl Pearson's Correlation was used to find the relationship between the different variables through SPSS 18 and MS Excel 2007. The work-life balance challenges and issues faced by women employees as reflected by the study include; role overload, role conflict, social support issues, organizational culture, workplace stress, required motherly duties, lack of achievement motivation, and the poor time management skills

    Author(s) : G. M. Malik
    KeyWords : Philosophy, Education, Value Education, Teacher.
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    The present paper “Philosophy of value education” is the response or reaction of a teacher to the on-going debate and dialogue on the nature of value education. The time is right for a well-thought out plan for the implementation of value education to achieve our goal of a good society and enlightened citizens. As Goethe said, “Knowing is not enough, we must apply, willing is not enough, we must do”

    Author(s) : Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat , R.Muthumanickam
    KeyWords : Internet Usage, Education, Gender, Locality of Residence, Types of School, Subjects Taken.
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    Education today has been moving very fast from classroom to online education or web based delivery of education. New types of educational technologies such as internet and e-mail are emerging at an ever accelerating pace. In this regard, the investigators tried to find out the level of internet and e-mail usage among the higher secondary students. In the present study, 200 +2 students from 10 higher secondary schools in Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir state in India were taken as sample. The tools used in the study were constructed and validated by the investigators through pilot study. The answered tools were scored and Chi-square test was applied for each item. At 5% level of significance, the upper calculated x2 value items were selected for final study. After framing necessary objectives and hypotheses, appropriate analysis was carried out on the collected data. From this analysis, it was found that the level of internet and e-mail usage among the +2 students is average and irrespective of subsamples taken by the investigators, they don’t differ significantly in their level of internet and e-mail usage.

    Author(s) : Mohammad Rafiq , Sachi Pandey
    KeyWords : MANET, Routing, AODV, DSDV, DSR, TORA
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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) represent distributed systems that consist of wireless mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically organize itself into temporary ad hoc network topologies. A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of nodes that is connected through a wireless medium forming rapidly changing topologies. MANETS are infrastructure less and can be set up anytime, anywhere. I have conducted survey of simulation results of various MANET routing algorithms and analyzed them. The design of efficient routing protocols is a fundamental problem in a Mobile Ad- Hoc Network (MANET). Many different protocols have been proposed in the literature, each one based on different characteristics and properties. Some of these protocols have been studied and their performance have been evaluated in detail focusing on aspects like routing overhead, latency and route length. In this Project we concentrate on the energy consumption issues of the routing protocols. we will measure and compare the energy consumption behaviour of four routing protocols; Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) , the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) , the Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and the Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) with respect to energy consumption . Evaluating how the different approaches and algorithms affect the energy usage in the mobile devices.

  • Title : Integration of ICT and Education: A Roadmap for Quality Education in the 21st Century
    Author(s) : Habibullah Shah
    KeyWords : Education, Learning, Teaching, Information and Communication Technology, Higher Education, E-Learning
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    Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. Integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into education has been an important concern in many countries. Information technology is an amalgam of some wonderful inventions of the 21st century in electronics and communication. During a very short span of time it has acquired an important place in almost all aspects of human life and particularly in the field of education. In this paper, an attempt has been made by the authors to discuss how Information Technology has revolutionised the Higher Education system. Besides, the scope of web based learning in the 21st century and the role of Technology in the delivery system has also be an epoch task of this paper. In addition, the paper addresses the integration and convergence of ICT and education. In introduction section, it explains the ICT, education, and ICT-enhanced education. In next section it describes need of ICT in education, relationship between ICT skills and education, and stages of teaching learning process. The next two sections describe opportunities and challenges in integrating ICT in education. Finally the concluding section summaries the idea and its usefulness.

    Author(s) : Avineni kishore , O. Seshaiah
    KeyWords : E-books, Digital Preservation, Dissemination, Distance Learners
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    If ever a promising technology existed for education- and distance learning in particular- It would be e-books. Compared to the print documents, the use of e-books leaped high in the recent times. Academic and scholarly libraries are at the fore front of these changes and many are preparing for a significant shift from physical to electronic material presentation within a short period. This paper will examine why e-books should matter to the distance learners, and it also tries to debunk some myths about the e-books in the process. In addressing these issues, the paper tries to provide an assessment of e-book technology in view of its potential as well as its current limitations while also calling attention to future developments that holds genuine promise for learners

    Author(s) : Tanveer Ahmad Lone
    KeyWords : Computer Science, Information, Design, Online, Learning, Syllabus, Counselling
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    With the dawn of Computer Science a new revolution is just beginning in science. The building blocks of this revolution are concepts, tools and theorems in computer science which are being transformed into revolutionary new conceptual and technological tools with wide-ranging applications in the sciences. Computer science teaching and research is currently at an awkward crossroads where it needs to decide whether it is something that serves other disciplines, is an engineering exercise, or a real science in its own right. What is clear is that computer science needs to be re-energized in schools/colleges and universities to inject new life into the discipline, and to focus around helping find solutions to ‘grand challenges’. T he structure of the Computer Science teaching system needs a consideration to help it grow as a subject that can augment any other subject to be learned to the maximum of its depth, with ease and least amount of time. Any topic, on any subject, regarding anything is just a click away; just the click is to be learned.

    Author(s) : Nishta Rana
    KeyWords : Media, Education and Women Empowerment
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    The development of any country mostly depends upon its growth of education in society. Education is a premier instrument for achievement of all aspects of development. Progress of a society is possible only when its citizens are dynamic, resourceful, enterprising and responsible. Without such citizens, progress of country cannot be achieved in any field. Any nation’s march towards progress and prosperity will remain a dream, its aspirations will be unrealized till the women actively participate in all the developmental activities and therefore today education has a tremendous task to cope with, the destiny of a nation is moulded and fashioned through women education. Women constitute about 48.5 per cent of population of our country as per the 2011 Census of India. But they are not well represented in social, political and economic life as per their numerical strength. The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its preamble. The constitution not only grants equality to women but also empowers the state to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women. Swami Vivekananda, great reformist of India, had said that there is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is only possible if status of women is upgraded through empowerment and properly represented in all walks of life. Therefore, the need of the present era is to make the women fully independent and empowered through education. Mass media can be a useful tool for the spread of education which will lead to social development and awareness among the masses and eventually lead to women empowerment. Media has been highlighting and time to time discussing about the gender issues and has been raising its voice against social evils towards women such as illiteracy, dowry, rape, female foeticide, domestic violence, occupation segregation, gender disparity, etc. Educational attainment and economic participation are the key constituents in ensuring the empowerment of women. The economic empowerment of women is a vital element of strong economic growth in any country. Empowering women enhances their ability to influence changes and to create a better society. The education of parents is linked to their children's educational attainment, and the mother's education is usually more influential than the father's. An educated mother's greater influence in household negotiations may allow her to secure more resources for her children. Educated mothers are more likely to be in the job, allowing them to pay some of the costs of schooling, and may be more aware of returns to schooling. And educated mothers, averaging fewer children, can concentrate more attention on each child. This paper focuses on the concept of women empowerment and its indicators. Problems of women education in India have been underscored in this paper. This paper also highlights how media is advocating education and women empowerment.