View AbstractThe proliferation of ICTs has impacted economic, social, cultural and educational aspects of
human life. However, over past few years it has been observed that ICTs are being exploited by
activists to provide impetus to social movements. The use of social media, subset of (ICTs) by
activists in social movements in different parts of world (Arab Spring, the Occupy Wall Street)etc
has generated lot of debate among scholars and academicians (Espinoza-Vasquez, 2013) and at the
same time ICTs acts as an alternative media which allows activists not only to disseminate
information but to organize, discuss, debate political issues bypassing the traditional forms of
In other words, activists bypass the regulation and censorship especially in authoritarian
regimes. Since ICTs are cost effective when compared to traditional forms of communication
because “mass-media communication required centralized means of information production and
large investments in physical capital, networked media are based on relatively cheap personal
computers interconnected through the internet”(Enjolras, Steen-Johnsen, & Wollebæk, 2012). It
gives activists a necessary advantage to lower down the barriers needed for mobilisation in social
movements. ICTs reduce the cost of participation because political activity “puts demand on the
people’s scarce resources”(Rosenstone & Hansen, 1993).
With Arab Spring as case study, this paper underlines how ICTs including social media played
a role in the Arab Spring. The very nature of ICTs is such that they tend to a amplify the spread of
information “by allowing users to forward information to their followers and those to their own
followers, and so on”(Kang, VIP: Incorporating Human Cognitive Biases in a Probabilistic Model
of Retweeting, 2015). At the same time diffusion of ideas happen not only happen in real time but it
allows activists to organize events, protests by ensuring visibility (Kang, 2015) b) ICTs are not
limited to a certain place, therefore, the message can virtually reach anywhere which enhances the
rate of discussions because participants can pitch their ideas from any part of world.c) Not only it
builds opinions “but also to give a shape to the way in which people come together and act
together (Gerbaudo, 2012), in other words – participation. d) ICTs connects people which allows
individual to influence each other’s behaviour and in the process creating cascades and “thus
produce population-wide, collective outcomes”(Easley & Kleinberg, 2010).