View AbstractGlobalization is the process of transmission of ideas, meanings, values and cultures around the world in such a way as
to extend and intensify social relations. In globalization, economic and cultural phenomena spread across the political
and geographical boundaries. Among the aspects of globalization like economic, cultural, industrial, and many others,
the globalization of language is an important aspect. Globalization of language means the spreading of a language to
the societies which otherwise have languages of their own. In the present world scenario, the globalization of language
means globalization of English language. This globalization of English language is a one way process wherein the
English language has been gaining ground everywhere at the cost of other native languages and has therefore given
rise to many issues. The present paper is an attempt to highlight the concerns and issues which have emerged because
of the globalization of English. The paper also throws light on the effects of English on the languages of Jammu and
Kashmir. The paper brings to fore the fact that English language has become global, while as other languages have
remained local in their size and scope. This has resulted in the prestige differences among different languages in
different world societies. English is considered as a dominant language in terms of prestige in almost all societies and
this garners negative attitude, among the natives of different societies, towards their native languages. People tend to
be inclined more towards English which has given rise to the serious issues like language shift, language
endangerment, language loss and language planning. There are about 7,000 languages in the world and half of
them have fewer than 7000 speakers, 80% of the world’s languages have fewer than 100,000 speakers. These
smaller languages are increasingly thought of as endangered, since all over the worldthey are failing to be t
aken up by young people. Closely associated with the problems of language endangerment and language loss is the
problem of identity. The loss of language means the loss of identity and all this is encroaching upon the diversity in the
world leading to a kind of homogeneity with respect to language.