Post Graduate Diploma In Business Entrepreneurship (Discontinued from year 2021 and onwards)

From the social and macroeconomic perspective, it is believed that the economic development of any nation depends upon the quality of entrepreneurs it supplies. Entrepreneurs discover opportunities and exploit them to their own benefit as well as to the benefit of the society. Therefore, entrepreneurship needs to be encouraged, promoted and supplemented for the benefit of the aggregate economy.

Despite the fact that there has been a tremendous potential for establishment of various industries in Jammu and Kashmir, there are only a few institutions in the state to provide education in the area of entrepreneurship and to work for the entrepreneurship development through well-conceived and well-directed activities. Therefore, there was an urgent need to design a course in business entrepreneurship for providing education in entrepreneurship and for promoting the culture of entrepreneurship in the state. Keeping this in view the present course, PG Diploma in Business Entrepreneurship is designed for the benefit of existing and potential entrepreneurs. The course focuses on developing superior skills in existing and potential entrepreneurs and inculcates the spirit of entrepreneurship into the psyche of the present generation. Moreover, the course is expected to sharpen the entrepreneurial skills of professionals particularly that of MBAs, M.Coms and MFCs.

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